We want to make games that are easily understood but still challenging. Games you can finish in a weekend but will return to again and again. Games you buy, you play, and then play again.
Games that take Gen X and Millennials back to their 8- and 16-bit childhoods. Games that busy people can enjoy fully without FOMO or feeling like they gotta grind their dailies or they’ll fall off the track.
Games that don’t have multi-year development cycles and 9-figure budget that put hundreds if not thousands of jobs at risk. Games that can take calculated runs in genre, mechanics, and tone.
Small games, targeted appeal, broad potential.

Simple Doesn’t Mean Safe
We are not stamping out copies of known games. We are building on tried and true foundations and adding interesting mechanics, themes, stories, and/or visuals. Our games stand out for the handful of new things they do.